Reviews are critical for every e-commerce platform, and Enterprise Commerce provides an easy way to integrate reviews with your storefront.

Currently, we’ve implemented logic for the provider, but more integrations are coming soon.

How It Works

From a high-level perspective, the implementation breaks down into the following steps:

  • A user submits a review, and the data is pushed directly to the reviews provider.
  • A scheduled cron job periodically syncs reviews with the search index.
  • The data cache revalidates the frontend.

How to Set Up

To get reviews up and running, ensure the following API keys are set within your environment variables either in the Vercel Dashboard or .env.local file, along with your store domain:


You can obtain these by setting up an account on the provider’s website.

We also assume that you are already using one of the search solutions to have a proper browsing experience

Why This Approach?

We’ve integrated reviews with our search solution because our architecture is designed to have a single source of truth for data retrieval. We run daily cron jobs (adjustable) between the search and review providers to ensure data stays in sync.

This approach also allows us to extend our Product Listing Page (PLP) functionality to filter and sort results based on their average rating.

Making Reviews More Dynamic

Near real-time updates are possible but often require a paid plan depending on the provider. If this is the case for your business, we can set up webhooks that will:

  • Call a webhook to update search when a new review is added.
  • Have the search call another webhook once data is updated to revalidate the Next.js data cache.

Please note: This functionality is currently not available in the demo. We are actively working on adding it and will update the documentation accordingly.

AI Reviews Summary

We’ve also added another feature that you can opt into by setting the OPEN_AI_API_KEY.

The reviews summary is generated based on all ratings, highlighting the product’s best and worst aspects.

They are updated weekly only if the product receives a new review. This approach ensures that SEO can safely pick up changes and index them while still providing relevant information to the user.