Enterprise Commerce integrates Meilisearch as its core engine for robust search, filtering, and recommendations, ensuring that product data is accurately reflected and easily accessible. Meilisearch provides a lightning-fast, typo-tolerant search experience that enhances the overall usability and efficiency of Enterprise Commerce.

To learn more about Meilisearch and its capabilities, visit Meilisearch Documentation.

The integration with Meilisearch is designed to operate exclusively on the server side. Attempts to utilize the Meilisearch client or SDK on the client side will result in an error

Developers should access the Meilisearch instance via the provided path apps/web/clients/meilisearch.ts

Using the Filter Builder

The FilterBuilder class provides a convenient way to construct complex filter expressions for Meilisearch queries. It allows you to chain methods to define various filter criteria, including comparisons, logical operators, and special operators like EXISTS, IS EMPTY, and IS NULL.

Here’s an example of how to use the FilterBuilder:

const filter = new FilterBuilder()
  .where("price", ComparisonOperators.GreaterThan, 100)
  .group((sub) => sub.where("category", "=", "Electronics").or().where("category", "=", "Computers"))

// This will generate the following filter expression:
// price > 100 AND (category = "Electronics" OR category = "Computers")

This filter expression will search for products with a price greater than 100 and belonging to either the Electronics or Computers category.

The FilterBuilder offers a variety of methods to construct complex search queries, allowing you to tailor your product searches to specific needs and provide a user-friendly experience.




Represents the comparison operators that can be used in filtering conditions.

  • Equal ( = )
  • NotEqual ( != )
  • GreaterThan ( > )
  • GreaterThanOrEqual ( >= )
  • LessThan (< )
  • LessThanOrEqual ( <= )
  • To ( TO )


Represents the logical operators that can be used to combine filtering conditions.

  • And (AND)
  • Or (OR)
  • Not (NOT)


Represents special operators that can be used in filtering conditions.

  • Exists (EXISTS)
  • IsEmpty (IS EMPTY)
  • IsNull (IS NULL)


where(attribute: string, operator: ComparisonOperators | SpecialOperators, value?: Value): FilterBuilder

Adds a filtering condition to the expression.

  • attribute: The attribute to filter on.
  • operator: The comparison or special operator to use.
  • value (optional): The value to compare against. Can be a single value or an array of values.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

to(attribute: string, min: number, max: number): FilterBuilder

Adds a range filtering condition to the expression.

  • attribute: The attribute to filter on.
  • min: The minimum value of the range.
  • max: The maximum value of the range.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

exists(attribute: string): FilterBuilder

Adds an “EXISTS” condition to the expression.

  • attribute: The attribute to check for existence.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

isEmpty(attribute: string): FilterBuilder

Adds an “IS EMPTY” condition to the expression.

  • attribute: The attribute to check for emptiness.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

isNull(attribute: string): FilterBuilder

Adds an “IS NULL” condition to the expression.

  • attribute: The attribute to check for null value.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

in(attribute: string, values: (string | number)[]): FilterBuilder

Adds an “IN” condition to the expression.

  • attribute: The attribute to filter on.
  • values: An array of values to check against.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

not(): FilterBuilder

Adds a “NOT” operator to the expression.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

and(): FilterBuilder

Adds an “AND” operator to the expression.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

or(): FilterBuilder

Adds an “OR” operator to the expression.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

group(fn: (builder: FilterBuilder) => void): FilterBuilder

Groups a set of filtering conditions together.

  • fn: A callback function that receives a new FilterBuilder instance to build the grouped conditions.

Returns the FilterBuilder instance for chaining.

build(): string

Builds the final filtering expression as a string.

Returns the filtering expression string.