Enterprise Commerce is designed with a platform-agnostic architecture, allowing for seamless integration with various e-commerce engines. While the starter is integrated with Shopify by default, it is not tightly coupled to the platform.

The key to this flexibility lies in the platform module, which utilizes the Factory pattern with different strategies. Shopify is set as the default strategy, but the architecture enables developers to integrate the starter with other e-commerce platforms, such as BigCommerce, by simply adding their own strategy to the platform layer.

Platform Module Structure

At the core of this architecture is the platform module, which implements the Factory pattern to support different e-commerce platform strategies. The directory structure of the platform module is as follows:

├── index.ts           # Entry point for the platform module
├── shopify/           # Shopify strategy implementation
│   ├── index.ts       # Shopify strategy exports
│   ├── normalize.ts   # Normalization logic for Shopify data
│   ├── fragments/     # GraphQL fragments for Shopify
│   ├── queries/       # GraphQL queries for Shopify
│   ├── mutations/     # GraphQL mutations for Shopify
│   └── types/         # TypeScript definitions for Shopify
│       ├── admin/
│       │   └── admin.types.d.ts  # Admin-specific types
│       └── storefront.types.d.ts # Storefront-specific types
└── types.ts           # Platform-agnostic types for the platform module

Extending the Platform Module

To integrate Enterprise Commerce with a different e-commerce engine, such as BigCommerce, developers simply need to extend the platform layer by adding their own strategy. This addition requires no changes to the frontend layer, maintaining a consistent API across different e-commerce backends.

Here’s a high-level overview of the steps to extend the platform module:

  1. Create a new directory within the platform module to house the new strategy, e.g., bigcommerce.
  2. Implement the necessary normalization logic, GraphQL fragments, queries, mutations, and TypeScript types similar to the existing shopify strategy.
  3. Update the platform module’s index.ts to include and expose the new strategy through the Factory pattern.
export function createClient({ storefrontAccessToken, adminAccessToken, storeDomain }: CreateShopifyClientProps) {
  const client = getYourCustomBackendClient()

  return {
    getMenu: async (handle?: string) void 0,
    getProduct: async (id: string) void 0,
    getProductByHandle: async (handle: string) void 0,
    subscribeWebhook: async (topic: `${WebhookSubscriptionTopic}`, callbackUrl: string) void 0,
    createProductFeed: async () void 0,
    fullSyncProductFeed: async (id: string) void 0,
    getLatestProductFeed: async () void 0,
    getPage: async (handle: string) void 0,
    getAllPages: async () void 0,
    getProductStatus: async (id: string) void 0,
    getAdminProduct: async (id: string) void 0,
    createCart: async (items: PlatformItemInput[]) void 0,
    createCartItem: async (cartId: string, items: PlatformItemInput[]) void 0,
    updateCartItem: async (cartId: string, items: PlatformItemInput[]) void 0,
    deleteCartItem: async (cartId: string, itemIds: string[]) void 0,
    getCart: async (cartId: string) void 0,
    getCollections: async (limit?: number) void 0,
    getCollection: async (handle: string) void 0,
    createUser: async (input: PlatformUserCreateInput) void 0,
    getUser: async (accessToken: string) void 0,
    updateUser: async (accessToken: string, input: Omit<PlatformUserCreateInput, "password">) void 0,
    createUserAccessToken: async (input: Pick<PlatformUserCreateInput, "password" | "email">) void 0,